For over 50 years Bowl Canada has served the Canadian bowling community with pride. As a not-for-profit association comprised of member bowling centre operators across Canada, the association works to support the bowling centres, promote the benefits of the sport and recreation of bowling to the general public, create a better relationship between the many bowling establishments and organizations across Canada and encourage any and all practices which are in the best interests of the game.
In support of organized (league) bowling, Bowl Canada conducts several programs and events which are available to people of all levels of ability, from novice to the very skilled.
For youngsters, Youth Bowl Canada (YBC) is a national program which provides a safe, friendly, social and exciting environment. Everyone plays and no one rides the bench in your local Youth Bowling Canada league.
For Senior Citizens, the Club 55 program provides Canadians 55 years of age and over with a friendly and social setting in which they can enjoy and benefit from moderate exercise while socializing with their peers.
For Canadians living with a disability, Bowl Canada has the Sunshine program which offers a friendly environment with social interaction. Bowlers earn awards of recognition for efforts and achievements in the league.
Apart from membership programs and their respective competitions, Bowl Canada also supports adult leagues across the country by offering competitions for all levels of ability that reach up to a National Championship, as well as an opportunity for advanced participants to qualify to represent Canada at the Bowling World Cup each year.
Bowling has it all! And there’s very likely a bowling centre very close to home, wherever you are. Check out the directory of our member bowling centres for the location nearest you, then head on over and let the good times roll.