Looking to meet new friends, enjoy a safe and a social environment, and maintain moderate exercise? Looking to get out once a week just for fun?
No matter who and where you are, or what your ability level is, your local bowling centre has a league that is just right for you…you might say they’ve got a league that’s right up your alley ;-}
Bowling is the sport where one game fits all.
We can write a book about all the options (but we won’t because it’s not necessarily true…plus we’re not very good at writing books anyway). Instead, we’ll just list some of the options you’ll find at your local bowling centre;
- For youngsters, Youth Bowl Canada (YBC) is a national program which provides a safe, friendly, and social environment.
- Canadians 55 years of age and over can enjoy and benefit from moderate exercise while socializing with their peers in the Club 55 program.
- For Canadians living with a disability, Bowl Canada has the Sunshine program which offers a friendly environment with social interaction.
- Men’s leagues (can be both competitive or social)
- Women’s league (can be both competitive or social)
- Mixed Leagues for women and men (can be both competitive or social)
- Workplace or industry leagues
- Special interest group leagues
- And much more, including…
- YOUR OWN LEAGUE – Start your own league and enjoy bowling your way with your special group
For those who want to take bowling to the next level, know that Leagues are available at your local bowling centre, no matter who you are and where you live. Use our search feature to find a bowling centre near you and ask them about specific offerings and availability in your community.