144 bowlers from all over Canada converged on Bowlerama Rexdale in Toronto for 2 solid days of competition this past weekend. Provincial teams each bowled a double round robin, with a total of 14 games on the scoreboard to declare the Gold Medallists in the 45th Annual edition of the National Classified Bowling Championships.
The championship concluded with a Victory Banquet at the Toronto Airport Marriott hotel Sunday night in honour of the new Canadian Champion Teams… and it was Manitoba and Saskatchewan who cleaned up as follows;
- Fivepin Women’s Champions…. Saskatchewan (Canadian Bowling Centre, Saskatoon)
- Tenpin Women’s Champions… Manitoba (Chateau Lanes, Winnipeg)
- Fivepin Men’s Champions… Manitoba (Coronation Bowling Centre, Winnipeg)
- Tenpin Men’s Champions… Saskatchewan (Fairhaven Bowl, Saskatoon)
For complete details on the event, including photos and standings for all teams in all divisions click here